3 min read

7. Valuing your creative vision

If you’re looking for more satisfaction and growth (and even success) in your creative life, it may be time for a new framework: Write toward your values, not your goals.

Have you ever pushed through to meet a writing or publishing goal, only to feel let down once you actually reached it? Or worse, only to find that the story you wrote wasn’t at all what you wanted to create, and you have no idea how that happened?

If you’re looking for more satisfaction and growth (and even success) in your writing life, it may be time for a new framework.

Write toward your values, not your goals.

There are two reasons defining and prioritizing your creative values is so key to a sustainable and transformative writing practice:

  1. You can’t control what happens to your story once it’s out in the world.
  2. Goals inherently narrow possibility.

Tune in to learn how this framework can help you reclaim a creative life that supports you as a human, and isn’t just driven by “pushing through” or “doing the work.”

Plus, we’ll explore how to free our values (and ourselves) from the dogma of creativity-as-productivity – so we can become the storytellers we truly feel called to be.

Episode transcript

Writing praxis tips

Extricating your values from the tangled ideal of “creativity” is a powerful place to start redefining your writing life. (Especially when you’re identifying how you really want your creative practices to feel.)

Here are some prompts to help you tease out what really matters to you as a storyteller – both in terms of the kinds of stories you want to create, and the way you want to create them.

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