Welcome to the circle

The Inspirited Word is a monthly podcast and digital practice community for writers ready to stop second-guessing their storytelling and ready to start breathing life and spirit back into their craft.

Join us as we rediscover the radical, transformative magic in our stories... and actually get those powerful stories on the page.

We’ll explore new ways to enliven the technical mechanics of our craft with the full visionary power of our imaginations—so we can discover our most powerful, most transformative, most necessary work.


The Inspirited Word podcast explores three core questions for all visionary writers feeling disconnected, disenchanted, or dissatisfied with their stories and their creative practice:

  1. If we can encounter stories in ways that are surprising, personal, and ever-evolving, ways that exert tangible change and transformation in the world—can’t stories be described as alive?
  2. When was the last time you encountered one of your own stories this way as you were writing it?
  3. What might be possible if you did?

Check out the inaugural episode, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts!

Episode 1: Your story is alive


Thinking about new ways of creating and being is one thing. It’s a whole other thing to really apply an expansive, enlivened ethos to, you know, writing stuff.

And let’s be honest... sometimes all that thinking and visioning gets us stuck playing with shiny concepts in our heads instead of creating anything at all. (Been there, got the nerdy tote bag.)

The Praxis Circle bridges the gap between contemplative exploration and embodied creativity.

Each month, circle members will receive actionable tools and prompts to put the pod into practice, so you can reinvent your writing life and meld your deep creative vision with actually Doing the Thing.

All you need to join is your email inbox and the desire to start writing in new ways.

"This week, book editor Mary Lanham offered to let me take part in an experimental exercise meant to help writers get through an especially tough case of writer's block. Long story short, she gave me some valuable seeds of inspiration, and some deeper insight into my three protagonists.Just another experience confirming that trying new things and thinking innovatively can be greatly rewarding!"- Kate Vredevoogd, inspirational nonfiction and literary fiction author


Black-and-white portrait of a person with short, dark hair and pale skin smiling and looking out a window

Hello! I’m Mary Lanham, an editor committed to helping queer, nonbinary, and femme writers fully access their deep creative vision.

If you’re writing speculative fiction that illuminates margins, or if you’re creating nonfiction on radical spirituality and personal development, let’s set your most luminous, mythic, and inspired storytelling loose.

Work with me